
From this page you can download the results.

Basic features of the catalogue

Below you see four different buttons:  1e04, 1e05, 1e06 e 1e07 that correspond to the BH mass involved in the disruption (104, 105, 106 and 107 solar masses respectively).

In each folder there are two sub-folders: dderiv_momin and radiation.

In dderiv_momin there are the files containing the second time derivatives of the momentum of inertia . Each file has seven columns: time, ddm11, ddmm12, ddm13, ddm22, ddm33 (dd means second time derivative and the numbers indicate the components of the tensor). These files are called in the following way: quadrupole_mh_mstar_theta_beta_e.txt. Thus the name itself contain information on the BH mass, stellar mass, inclination angle and eccentricity.

In radiation there are the files containing the gravitational waveforms for different values of the angles (η,φ): (0,0), (30,0), (60,0) and (90,0). Each file has nine columns: time, hx_0, hp_0, hx_30, hp_30, hx_60, hp_60, hx_90, hp_90 (where p means plus polarization). These files are called in the following way: r_mh_mstar_theta_beta_e.txt, following the same logic as above.

All the data are presented at a distance of 1Mpc.

For information on how to rescale the distance and the physical units, read the file README (below).